Septic Re-inspection Standards
Ontario’s Building Code (Ontario Regulation 350/06) was recently amended to establish and govern mandatory on‐site sewage system maintenance inspection programs, to be administered in certain areas by local enforcement bodies. The recent amendments to the Building Code also govern discretionary on-site sewage system maintenance inspection programs established by local enforcement bodies.
Currently the mandatory septic re-inspection applies only to Lake Simcoe, however, it is expected that the re-inspection will be introduced to other parts of cottage country over the next few years.
At present, re-inspection will take place for a given lake if requested by the Cottagers’ Association and paid for by the cottagers. Based on recent tests, Four Mile Lake water appears to be in good shape with no identifiable problems that would warrant lake wide re-inspection.
For further information the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, in consultation with the Ministry of the Environment, has developed the following document for principal authorities to provide information and highlight certain issues respecting inspections undertaken in connection with on-site sewage system maintenance inspections programs. (Building and Development Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing ) April 2011.
More information available at
by C. Ostrovski