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Road Update

You don’t have to drive very far around the lake to notice the condition of many of our City ‘Assumed’ roads. The FMLA is currently doing a quick inventory of Assumed road conditions and will be putting pressure on the City to make the necessary repairs on your behalf. Many residents will not be aware that the City has issued a new road Policy called ‘Seasonal Level of Service Policy’. A copy of the policy is now on our website. This new policy replaces the previous LSA’s on Un-Assumed roads and may affect the level of service you receive. The new Policy (Un-Assumed Roads Only) calls for gravel only as necessary, grading 2x per year and no winter services. If your road Association hires contractors or chooses to do the work yourselves there is a requirement for $3 million in liability insurance and you need a permit. Private roads are the same as before with no services, but the City will not be considering any new private roads to become Un-Assumed. The biggest issue here is we don’t necessarily understand what roads, by title, are really Un-Assumed vs Private. Many people think they know what their road is, but what is on title may be different. Your Association will be performing a records search for every road around the lake to determine who has title. Once this is completed we will publish a list so residents can understand what services they will, or will not, receive. For Rustic Trail, there has been a long standing issue and the City may be willing to other services to the section of road on the Lewis property to the bend under certain conditions.


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