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2019/2020 AGM: Notice of Meeting

Greetings and Happy New Year to All

2020 has been a blur for most, including me, but the work of the FMLA Board has continued albeit limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope you all took advantage of the great summer weather and got out there to enjoy our lake. Seems that many are also taking advantage of various winter activities on and around the lake. Great to see.

Because of the pandemic, the spring AGM was postponed but must now be rescheduled. The provincial government has allowed for delays in holding annual meetings of incorporations until no later than November 2020. That said, we are delinquent in holding our AGM. Since we are an incorporated association we must hold an AGM in order for the membership to approve various matters affecting the operation of the board/association.

The Board has listened to you via the recent survey and through those results we feel the best solution is to hold a virtual AGM meeting on Sunday, March 7th, 2021 including a proxy vote on a number of matters that must be dealt with officially.

An agenda will be sent to all including the link to join the meeting if you so wish. A link to a proxy is also provided for all members with a deadline for completion of March 4th, 2021. The Proxy must be completed by all even if you do plan on tapping into the virtual meeting. A separate page on the members only section of the FMLA website has been set up which will house the various documents for review and approval. You will need to log in as a member to access this section.

The FMLA’s by-law stipulates that forty (40) members shall constitute a quorum for holding an AGM therefore it is imperative that you complete the proxy. The results of the proxy will be confirmed and tabulated prior to the meeting. The results from the proxy will form the official vote and will be disclosed at the virtual meeting and subsequently posted to the website. Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the proxy questions or documents to

We feel this method will be the most fair, transparent and reasonable solution for all and could form the basis for all future AGM’s.

Thank you all for your understanding and for all of the comments submitted through the recent survey.


Ann Hayter

Interim President



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To preserve, promote and protect the beauty and integrity of FML and the surrounding area.


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Four Mile Lake Association
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Burnt River, ON  K0M 1C0


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