2019/2020 AGM Proxy Results
On March 7th we held a virtual AGM for the 2019/2020 year. We had 34 members in attendance, though our digital proxy before hand had 93 members respond. Without that we would not have made quorum. Summary of the Proxy vote is below. Minutes to the March 7th AGM to be posted to the website in the coming weeks.
AGM: 34 members attended the March 7th virtual AGM. Digital Proxy before hand had 93 member responses.
Member responses:
I authorize and instruct my proxy to use his or her best judgement on all other matters which properly come before the meeting and for which a general power may be used. 93 unique responses. 91 yes, 2 no. 97.8% yes.
Do you approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting minutes held on Sunday, June 23, 2019. 92 yes, 1 no. 98.9% yes.
Do you approve the Auditors Notice to Reader and the audited financial statements for the 2019/20 Fiscal Year. 93 yes, 0 no. 100% yes.
Do you approve and reaffirm the existing Board of Directors for the 2020/21 fiscal year: Doug Timmins, Ann Hayter, Ann Castaldo, Greg Worona, Craig Chandler, Saul Chernos. 93 yes, 0 no. 100% yes.
Do you agree with the waiver of a financial audit for the 2021/22 fiscal year. 90 yes, 3 no. 96.8% yes.